Tuesday, May 27, 2008

SWOT analysis- Mr Sujee

SWOT Analysis- Mr Sujee

S: Mr. Sujee, there were many strengths which I had identified in you in the past few months. Firstly is that you have a remarkable command of the English language which is excellent in the way you teach. Also your standard of teaching is high which is great as it makes us pupils familiar with the English language. I really appreciate it!

W: I found that for me as a grade 10 learner, the leap from grade 9 to 10 was great. To adjust to all the new rules, the different manner of teaching and the fast pace of work, although I found no real weakness as it has made me independent and improved me as a person. Someone would have had to make that change sooner or later and I am glad that it was you!

O: Mr. Sujee, in the few months that you have started teaching us, you have bestowed upon us some of the greatest opportunities. For example, the greatest opportunity I had was doing the audio assignment. It made me grow as a person and become aware of other peoples personalities and capabilities. It gave me the chance to interact with the outside world and become more involved in the media and the way it works. It was splendid and really motivating.

T:The main threat that I have faced, is the step of adjusting to a completely different world.
Also with the audio assignment, there were times when I wasn’t so sure about myself anymore and whether I could accomplish all that I have with all the trouble shooting and the problems, I though it would never end!
But when I look back, I feel that I can accomplish anything and that it just requires tough work and a lot of time!

Mr. Sujee, I really admire your enthusiasm for the English language and I highly appreciate the way you teach it as well. I think its brilliant and I hope we experience more of it in the years to come!!

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